
Friday, March 4, 2011

Things that I Love that I Probably Shouldn't

Okay, I have this crazy obsession with clothing right now! I finally discovered what style I like, and I just want to buy clothes all the time but I DO NOT have the money for it, and probably never will. :(
Gah, why do I like them so much??? I don't understand! I was never like this until I moved away from home! Actually, scratch that, I have always loved clothing! And never have had the money for it! SAD DAY!!!

I also love changing my desktop wallpaper and blog all the time. I don't like change, but it seems like I need to be brave and change things up every once in a while. So, I go for something that I can deal with easily, like changing a background. Seriously, WHO DOES THAT? Well I do, but who else?

I LOVE TACO BELL!!! I hate this fact too. I would eat there every day if I could, but alas! I am a poor college student. Bleh. And I would also get very fat if I ate there every day.

I want to go running...

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